Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The Finale

View of an Anhui Village (2007)
Chua Ek Kay
Chinese Ink on Rice Paper, 97cm x 90 cm 

Villa Borghese (1960) by Willem de Kooning
Oil on Canvas, 203 cm x 178 cm

Hello, we are Chua Ek Kay and Willem de Kooning and today, we shall do a combined post as a grand finale.

Chua Ek Kay: Ever wondered why “View of Anhui Village” looks similar to “Villa Borghese” by Willem De Kooning? It is because I got influenced by Willem’s artworks. As you can see, the brushstrokes in “Villa Borghese” actually look similar to a traditional house in some Chinese rural villages. For instance, the blue paints might represent the roofs of some building while the green paint might represent the walls of that building. De Kooning’s composition also might have influenced me a bit as you can see that both or works consist of horizontal and vertical elements stacked on top of each other. Hence, I got inspired by the abstraction and decided to paint the houses in my painting in abstracted forms.

Willem de Kooning: But even though so, you can see that Chua Ek Kay has integrated some of his own style into “View of Anhui Village” For one, he used a completely different medium than what I used and I think it’s very unique! I mean, he used an “Asian” medium to render Asian houses while I used a “Western” medium to depict a famous public park in Rome when I was there quite a few years back. Another thing to also note is that Chua’s painting is his usual trademark black and white while mine is in colour. Colour is especially important for this particular painting of mine because it illustrates the Mediterranean feel I was trying to communicate to viewers; blue water, green grass and yellow sunlight. For Chua, I think it is partly because the village itself aren't that colourful to begin with but he also decided to keep it black and white because that is what's unique about his medium: Chinese Ink. He also rendered the village slightly more detailed than I do as you can see from the roof!

And this post marks the end of our blog. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you all again sometime soon!

Bless your heart and 再见!

Anhui Village, China
Villa Borghese Gardens, Italy

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